This is an alphabetical list of Web 2.0 tools. Each tool is described and links are provided. Special attention is given to not WHAT the technology is but HOW it can be used.
AnswerGarden is a new minimalistic polling-comment system that you can embed on your website or blog. If you are interested in the opinions of others, create an AnswerGarden and post it to your website so that other people can leave their feedback.Try it for yourself! It's free!
Answer Gardens are a happy alternative for polls and comment-systems. The benefit of an AnswerGarden is that it limits users while still keeping the expression lost in polls. It is an excellent way to get feedback in an online class!
A = Aggregation
A way to add information usually usingRSS FEEDSin order to show this information on a new site. One very common use would be using RSS feeds of news appropriate to your subject on your teacher web page so students can easily access the most current news.
In a classroom: How?
Put an RSS to the local newspaper and a national newspaper on your website if accessing the current local and national news is appropriate to your subject area.
Have students use aggregation (through an RSS feed) to subscribe to each other's blogs or social bookmarks so they can see what other students are saying on their blog or can see what web resources are being found. (Heidi)
This is a site devoted to ear training, or teaching musicians how to recognize different tones and pitch through sight-singing and aural recognition. An interactive tool on the site allows you to play different intervals and chords to test your ability to recognize tones and improve perfect pitch.
In a classroom: How?
This tool can be used for music classrooms including students in orchestras, chamber groups, or those taking private lessons both with instruments or voice training. Students can work on improving their pitch skills and their ability to recognize different tones. Contributed by Sasha
B = Blogging
In an educational context a blog can be used to facilitate discussion around a topic, either facilitated by the instructor or as a conversation among class members. It can be kept for invited participation only, or open to a wider audience. Blog creators can have greater or lesser control over the content, as they choose. As new comments are added, older information gets shifted down. One tool to start a blog is Blogger. A google account is needed to start a blog on this site.
In a classroom: How?
Blogs can be used as a means by which students reflect on their learning. Students could create their own personal blog and then post their meta-cognitive feedback over the course of a semester.
Teachers can post assignments and have students respond online via comments.
Because Blog entries are posted chronologically, they make a great online portfolio opportunity. Students can upload PDFs, movies, images, etc. and they are posted in a chronological order for the year.
Post materials and resources:
Teachers can upload, or copy and paste, materials to a blog to be instantly accessible by students from school and from home. They can easily manage who gets to access them through password and plugin safety measures.
Host online discussions:
Create an online discussion space. Students can simply respond to blog posts and discuss topics set for them through comments. Commentators can also sign up to receive emails when their comments are replied to and one can easily manage and edit all responses through the blog’s administrative panel.
Create a class publication.
Add students as contributors, authors and even editors in order to produce a custom designed, finely tuned and engaging collaborative online publication by your class.
Replace the teacher newsletter: post class information, news, events and more on a blog.
Share lesson plans.
Teachers can share plans, reflections, ideas and fears with other educators both at their school and around the world using a blog. This is a great way to develop as a teacher.
Create a fully functional website.
Teachers can use can use a blog to create a multi-layered, in-depth, multimedia rich website - that hardly looks like a blog at all.
This is a really neat application that helps you visualize boolean searches. And I think that this sort of approac ld be extended a lot - my first thought was that it could function as a generic sentence constructor, which in turn would be really usefuil for language learning and logic.
What is BrazenCareerist? is a new online resume building tool that includes collaboration and networking features.
In a classroom: How?
This looks like a good way to bridge Facebook/MySpace users to a more formal resume without stripping out all the networking abilities. Use it in a college class or workshop on creating a resume in a digital age. Contributed by Sandy Gravley
A platform for people who want to Study or Tutor online.
BuddySchool is an opened education platform. The main assignment of the platform is to establish and to maintain contact between a tutor and a student. The service gives the teachers both opportunity to represent their offer and number of functions supporting the education process and settlement. The platform offers also other helping functions such as lesson reminder, the notebook, chat with the possibility of saved session edition, the calendar, message system, grade system, the possibility of keeping a few profiles by the teachers or students. (Tracy)
In a classroom: How?
Coordinate study groups for distance courses, organize and plan study sessions for any subject, use to coordinate work sessions for group projects, look at trends of grades or assignments over time. Contributed by Sasha
This free web tool is an online drawing tool that allows you to create a variety of diagrams such as site maps, wire frames, and network charts. Diagrams can be created for online documents such as bolgs or Wikis. Numerous users can work on and complete the same diagram simultaneously. KD
In a classroom: How?
Individuals or multiple group members can collaborate online to edit and complete a single diagram and then post to a class wiki. This would be ideal for story webs or a prewriting brainstorming exercise. KD
This website requires a google account set up and requires you to have your videos uploaded to YouTube. Quickly add text captions to your videos OR create captions for videos you don't own and email them to the owner. Allows you to create more than one track.
In a classroom: How?
Used for the hearing impaired. Have students translate their videos in another language.
Carrot Sticks is an online program that allows students to practice basic math skills including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The website has you create an avatar that you use to go online and access the program. You can also challenge other players online, and obtaining an account is entirely free. The layout is aesthetically pleasing and user friendly. I made my own avatar really quickly and got sucked in right away! As you go through problems you earn "carrots" that you can use to get rewards and a math achievement certificate.
In a classroom: How?
This can be used for students to practice basic math skills. It's a more interactive and digital version of basic flashcards. Contributed by Sasha
A free educational network where teachers can make class pages, build assignments and share lesson plans. ChitChat offers two programs, a free educational network and ChitChat 1:1 where schools with 1:1 computing can migrate course content and classwork off paper and onto the web.
In a classroom: How?
What about teachers using chit-chat to compare lesson plans?
There are several new and impressive suites of tools available on the Internet that allow people to meet or collaborate online. A very impressive one is WIGGIO (at This site was built around the need for people to be able to coordinate schedules, files, and projects simply and all in one location. It can be set to send email and cell phone text message reminders and even schedules conference calls! Calendars can be combined and synced with personal calendars in Google or Outlook. Even though this site was only released to the public in mid September 2008, the developers are already at work adding additional tools and features. It is relatively easy to learn, and each feature has a 1-2 minute tutorial video to show you all about it. Members must be in high school or older. Watch the video below to learn more.
In a classroom: How?
The site is designed to help members of a group keep all the files together. It can keep numerous versions of the same file organized, so members can keep track of all the changes when creating a collaborative report. Group members can share files, store files, organize information, and even edit online. Individual components of a report can be stored together and then merged or combined. It is multi-platform for storage and has unlimited storage capacity for group files. It is an ideal way for team members to collaborate over the Internet.
Here is the presentation I created (approx 7 mins).
This site allows users to post PDFs, Word Documents, PowerPoint Presentations, etc. to one location where multiple users can view and edit the document online. Users can collaborate making changes and comments for others to see. For a fee, the documents can be held in a secure (confidential) location. KD
In a classroom: How?
This site would allow students a cyber place to collaborate online and review and peer edit documents. KD
Digg is a placefor people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web and is aplace where people can collectively determine the value of content and we’re changing the way people consume information online.Once something is submitted, other people see it and Digg what they like best. (Tracy)
In a classroom: How?
Groups could do online research and post their results for group projects and collaboration. KD
D = Diigo bookmarking web tool that permits user to save websites to a public or private library, share with friends in your network, highlight, add sticky notes, and tag entries for later retrieval. Teacher accounts are available free, this medium allows teachers to create student accounts which require no e-mail accounts, may be kept private and grouped so students can share necessary resources. (gf)
In a classroom: How?
Helps student groups share resources, facilitates group collaboration; as a teacher, allows you to see what students are bookmarking and the notes they are taking and sharing. (gf)
Dimdim is a product which allows anyone host or attend live meetings, webinars using just a web browser. Sharing documents, web pages, whiteboards along with audio and video recording. No download required for this product. The product cost about $25 dollars a month. (John)
In a classroom: How?
Dimdim could work as a means of meeting with group members for a project. It could provide a platform to teach a course.
Switch between APA, Chicago/Turabian, and MLA styles
Harvard system author-date format supported through APA
Footnote & parenthetical citation wizards
Import citations from third-party databases
Access online from anywhere (home or library)
In a Classroom: How?
Helps students create correct citations from web, article, book, etc sources with the autocite function !! Without the usual stress and aggravation. Stress over citations should never get in the way of a good paper :)
E = eBooks Emerging Technology Presentation EDET A637 Spring 2010
Edublogs lets you easily create & manage student & teacher blogs, quickly customize designs and include videos, photos & podcasts - it's safe, easy and secure so try out an Edublog today!
In a Classroom: How?
Within a few minutes you and your students can be communicating with each other, classes around the world, parents and anyone else you choose. Edublogs provides all the tools you need to allow you to realise the potential of blogging. Elluminate is an Edublogs Community partner. A free Elluminate V room is available too.
ePals is a site formulated for k-12 educators to help classrooms find each other. It's basically a matching service but on an international scale. It also includes a language translator. Instead of sending letters to a far away pen pal, students can blog and create projects together. There are some safety features built in which is the main selling point for teachers.
In a Classroom: How?
ePals has competitions in lots of different areas. For instance, students from around the world can share their thoughts via video on the topic of climate change. Then, as a classroom activity, classify the opinions of others, plot them on a digital map to help compare opinions.
Emotify is a service that allows users to submit and vote on content by emotion. Users can also create media packages designed to elicit a particular emotion from its viewer.
In a Classroom: How?
Students can rate the sites visited during a web quest to provide feedback to the teacher and peers. Students can gather web content about a specific topic and peers can review it, provide a rating, and vote on the content.
This is an online tool for teachers that allows you to pick topics, search the internet, and find good links in a condensed way to create online learning activities that can then be used in the classroom (such as hotlists, multimedia scrapbooks, online treasure hunts, etc.)
In a Classroom: How?
This can be used for a variety of classroom settings and subjects, allows regular classrooms to incorporate online activities into the curriculum more easily.
Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite and managed by Mozilla Corporation. Recent statisticsut Firefox at 24.52% of the recorded usage share of web browsersas of March 2010, making it the second most popular browse making it the second most popular browser in terms of current use worldwide after Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
In a Classroom: How?
Through the many Firefox add-ons and features, produced by developers in an Open source environment, many collaborative features can be added to the browser's functionality, improving each users Personal Learning Environment.
Simply upload a photo and then record your voice directly through your computer to create a talking photo. You can easily share it by e-mail, Facebook, Twitter or embed it into a blog or website. It’s free and all completely web-based, but there is a size limit on the number of photos you can store. There is no software to download, just register as a user. kd
In a Classroom: How?
Students can take pictures, add voice, then email them home so parents can be more involved in the student's day, or share a special accomplishment. Teachers could use pictures and voice to document activities, lessons, or fieldtrips and share the experiences. kd
Facebook, by some measurements the most popular social network with more than 200 million active users worldwide, is one of the fastest-growing and best-known sites on the Internet today. It is free. It is where the students are.
In a Classroom: How?
Facebook allows instructors to use a social and engaging media applications that can reach students where they are. Claim your courses as your own and enjoy privileged features, such as making announcements and assignments to your classes as well as posting key resources. High School Teachers, Professors, TAs and GSIs are all welcome. Oh, and you can hold virtual office hours, which is sweet.
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